Tech-Air 10
Tech-Air 5
Tech-Air 3

Alpinestars, the renowned motorcycle gear manufacturer, has recently launched its latest range of advanced airbag protection systems in Malaysia: the TechAir10, TechAir5, and TechAir3. These cutting-edge airbag systems are designed to enhance rider safety and provide an added layer of protection during motorcycle accidents.

Tech-Air 10 RM4,899
Tech-Air 5 RM2,999
Tech-Air 3 RM2,299

The highlight of this new lineup is the TechAir10, the brand’s most advanced and sophisticated airbag system to date. This innovative technology utilizes a state-of-the-art algorithm and sensors to detect potential accidents in real-time. The system analyzes rider movements 1000 times per second, allowing it to deploy the airbag in a mere 25 milliseconds, ensuring maximum protection during a crash. The TechAir10 covers the rider’s shoulders, chest, ribs, and full back, safeguarding critical areas in the event of impact.

Following the success of the TechAir10, Alpinestars has also introduced the TechAir5 and TechAir3 options, offering similar airbag protection tailored to the specific needs of riders. The TechAir5 is designed as a versatile and convenient option, offering protection for the upper body. On the other hand, the TechAir3 is focused on protecting the rider’s torso and back, ideal for those seeking essential safety without compromising on mobility and comfort.

One of the most remarkable aspects of these new airbag systems is their adaptability. They can be integrated into a wide variety of Alpinestars’ compatible riding gear, including jackets and suits, providing riders with the flexibility to choose their preferred style while still benefiting from state-of-the-art protection. This versatility ensures that riders can enjoy a comfortable and personalized fit without compromising on safety.

The launch of the TechAir10, TechAir5, and TechAir3 in Malaysia marks a significant step forward in motorcycle safety technology. Alpinestars’ commitment to continuous innovation and rider protection has led to the development of these highly advanced airbag systems. With the Malaysian market being increasingly safety-conscious, the introduction of these new products is expected to be met with enthusiasm among motorcycle enthusiasts and riders looking to prioritize their safety on the road.

Conclusion: Ultimate protection on the Street & Track

In conclusion, Alpinestars’ TechAir10, TechAir5, and TechAir3 represent a groundbreaking leap in motorcycle safety, showcasing the brand’s dedication to providing riders with top-of-the-line protective gear. With these advanced airbag systems now available in Malaysia, riders can confidently embark on their adventures, knowing that they have the best possible protection in case of an accident.

The question here is would you buy the Tech-Air for your street riding for ultimate protection?

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