The ACCOSSATO master cylinders are used in many competitions, such as Superbike, Moto 2, Moto 3, AMA Superbike and are characterized by a really strong braking, so a short passive running.img-pompa-radiale4-RED  Made in Italy.
The feeling with the lever is immediate, the braking process is always strong and without compromises; this result is possible thanks to a mechanical tolerance reduction and the joining of all the master cylinder’s parts.
The master cylinders’ gaskets are made of a material which comes from Formula1 and it ensures, with the use of oil DOT4, a long duration and no ordinary repairs is needed.
The master cylinders’ bodies can be in forged aluminium and the colors are in hard oxide or black, with assures the protection of the master cylinder for its all duration.
The levers are available in different colours: black, gold, orange, silver, red, blue, green and they can be standard or folding levers. Under request, for the standard model is available also the one which has the lever for air.


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AVAILABLE MODELSimg-pompa-radiale4-bg
Black Edition master cylinder
This model is available with the master cylinder body in black color and the lever in different models and seven different coloursimg-pompa-radiale2-bg
Master cylinder with integrated reservoir
This master cylinder model is very useful also for off road (in case of fall there is not the possibility to break the reservoir) but also for street racing, because it avoids the necessity to put the reservoir kit on the motorcycle.
With this kind of product you can change your motorcycle’s design, with a product of really high quality which will also have the same color as your lever.
Adjustable Levers
Accossato adjustable levers are exclusively patented from the racing division of the group.
Only seven seconds are needed to change the distance, the available regulation:
19mm (for dual disc system)
16mm (for mono disc system)
Master cylinder distances
17mm (fast tracks with aggressive turns)
18mm (racing tracks)
19mm (wet tracks)
Master cylinder with folding or fixed levers
19×18 (dual disc system)
19×19 (dual disc system)
19×20 (dual dusc system)
16×16 (mono disc system)
16×18 (mono disc system)
Clutch master cylinder with folding or fixed levers
16×16 – 16×18 – 19×20
Suggestions the bleeding process and how to change a master cylinder
1- mount the master cylinder on the handlebar or half handlebar, checking that there is not any impediment
2- regulate the distance from the lever, in order to create the best feeling
3- activate the brake lever, until it touches the handlebar or half handlebar, so that the piston can make an entire spin with a fluid movement
Reservoir to master cylinder connection
1- use a cable with made of Teflon inside and covered by steel, which has to be compatible with the brake fluid in EPDM and with a diameter of 3mm, at least
2- join the reservoir exit with the master cylinder entrance, using the requested clamps, the extremities need to be joint with appropriate couples
3- use exclusively the brake fluid DOT4, with an high boiling point, from new packages and change it for every race
Note: the usage of a different fluid from the DOT4 can cause master cylinder’s damages
Breaking system bleeding
1- turn the handlebar or half handlebar, in order to have the reservoir in horizontal position
2- fill up the reservoir with brake fluid, during the bleeding process the oil level doesn’t have to go below the minimum level
3- activate more than one time the brake lever and fill the braking system partially
4- insert a transparent plastic tube to the bleed screw
5- bleed through the following steps:
– pull the brake lever entirely and hold it in that position
– unscrew the bleed screw and let some air and some oil flow out -repeat this operation until no more oil will come out of the bleed screw, and check
– that the oil level doesn’t go below the minimum level
– close the screw with a suggested couple of 10-11 nm
General notes
– The master cylinder needs to be cleaned with water detergent and avoiding the usage of solvent, which could cause damages on the components.

ACCOSSATO is available at Chuan & Cycle Sdn Bhd: No. 9, Jalan SS 3/29, University Garden, Petaling Jaya, 47300, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Phone:03-7874 6120


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