Anastasiya Nifontova – only girl in Russia, which was part of the top three countries in five kinds of racing like MOTOCROSS, ENDURO, RALLY, SUPERMOTO, ROAD RACING (SHKMG). She was the first in Russia (among girls) mastered FMX ramp led by Alexei Kolesnikov.

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Motorcycling for Nifontova is more than just a job or a hobby, for it is life itself.


Anastasiya – media persons, she regularly appears in the pages of publications devoted to motorsports, conducts its own column on the popular motorcycle website.

Having two degrees (MSLU im.Morisa Thorez and RSIC), today it is not only successful, purposeful athlete, but also a producer of the TV program ” Diary motogonschitsy “on Channel Drive, which illuminates the life of motor sport in Russia look professional.

She also is the owner and head of the company – the official importer of the brand KTM Sportmotorcycles AG in Russia and, of course, her personal involvement in the world of motorsport helps move and grow their business by making it one of the most successful country in Picturethe motorcycle market.

Undoubted achievements in sports, excellent knowledge of English, charismatic appearance, skills with the press and TV experience allow Anastasiya is considered one of the most worthy representatives of the Russian motorcycling.

Athlete participates regularly in the Russian Championship in rally-raids. She was the firstwoman in the country, which has started to participate in this form of racing in 1999 on a par with rivals fighting-men. In 2010, the team ARTMOTO Racing Team, she took part in the international rally-raid ” Khazar Steppes 2010 “, where the first three days of struggle won a bronze medal in the title standings” MOTO OPEN“, ahead of 31 rival. In the same year she had several times entered the top three winners in various stages of the Russian Rally Championship – raids.

2006-2007, she was part of the three winners of the Russian Championship motocross among women. In 2006 Anastasia represented our country in the World Cup and European Championships, where she competed with the best athletes from all continents.

PictureIn 2008 Nifontova surprised everyone, said in a technically sophisticated form of motorcycle racing as  SUPERMOTO .None of the girls did not dare to compete with men, and Anastasiya took part in all stages. By the end of the season, after a very intense struggle in 7 stages, athlete won  3 place in the class S2. Her success is not repeated, still no girl in our country.

In spring 2010, Anastasiya Nifontova first time trying his hand in the ” ring “( SHKMG ). She has no experience of its rivals, there is no proper reel, which the girls get on the tracks of Europe, but there is a desire to win and skills of wrestling. By the middle of the season Anastasia began to show such a time, to which the female Russian championship standings came years of training at Russian and international routes. So winning the 4th stage of the Russian Championship in the Czech town of Most has not become a surprise to anyone.Anastasiya Nifontova_13

In the final training session of the season Anastasia showed the best time of the track among women, which is 2 seconds exceeds the current best time champion class STK Woman and male equals better time offset STK600 (on the track “Myachkovo”).

The racing season 2013 Nifontova completely devoted championship of Russia on a cross-country rally . Missed only the first (winter) phase Nastya did not miss the opportunity to catch up with each new stage approached the podium, constantly getting in TOP5 professional class ” OPEN “.


In the final stages, it has steadily climbed to the podium of the Russian Championship and this enabled her to establish themselves on the second line of the table and at the end of the season to become the first girl became the vice-champion of Russia in general (male) competition.

The plans of athletes for next year in addition to participating in the Russian Rally Championship and has participated in the women’s world championship competition cross-country rally FIM, which will be held in conjunction with the main “male” world championship FIM and its complexity and length of the tracks than not will differ from it.

This will not only make themselves known on the international scene, but also to gain the necessary experience of the world of competition, because one of the main purposes (possibly in 2015) is to participate in the famous Rally Dakar .

Still no girl from Russia (on any of the possible vehicles) did not participate in this most difficult rally marathon on the planet and Nifontova certainly has all chances to become the first!

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