A transportation planner suggested that “kapcai” motorcycles be phased out of the market and replaced with low -powered electric motorcycles. (low speed may not be safe)

The transportation planner, Wan Agyl Wan Hassan described the “kapcai” motorcycle as a “killer machine” based on the high death rate of riders involved. “Kapcai” is a slang term for an “underbone” motorcycle with an engine with a capacity of under 250cc. (we are very sure this transportation planner is not a biker nor ridden a “Kapcai” if he did ride a “Kapchai” he sure not a good rider)

“In Malaysia, ‘kapcai’ is a killer machine that causes many deaths – an average of 4,100 deaths a year in 12 years – and this is a loss of productivity for the country,” (What loss of productivity is Wan Agyl talking about?) (Kapchai can zip through traffic and save lotsa time) (Electric bikes have low mileage and takes 2-4hours to fully charge)

There are an estimated 11 million active “kapcai” motorcycles in Malaysia, according to Wan Agyl.

He said the findings of the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) showed that the country suffered a huge economic loss of RM18.15 billion from the deaths of motorcycle users from 2015 to 2017.

Figures from the federal traffic police show that 79,916 motorcycle users were killed in road accidents from 2001 to August this year and 70.2% of road accident deaths as of August involved motorcycle users. (did he mention that 50% is caused by other road user especially Lorry and Cars!)

There are 15.2 million motorcycles registered with the Road Transport Department (JPJ), 90% of which are “kapcai” models.

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