It’s 57-57 (double 57) for the celebration of the anniversary of our country’s independence this year. We first achieved independence on 31st August 1957. And today, it is 31st August 2014….2014 minus 1957….so it’s Malaysia’s 57th independence day. It’s very symbolic in number this year but the scale of the celebration has to be toned down as a mark of respect to the two recent tragedies that struck Malaysia Airlines planes; the MH370 and MH17 incidents.

merdeka (1)

i-Moto will celebrate Malaysia Day with a Merdeka ride to Cameron Highlands. Anyway, in conjunction with the Independence Day celebration, there were many meaningful and touching Merdeka-themed advertisements made by some local companies as usual every year. These ads were usually highlighting on the peace, harmony and unity we had despite having many different races in a single nation. There are also some individually-made videos available in YouTube which shown personal creativity on sending their message and love to the country by showing the uniqueness of Malaysia from its people, places, cultures, food, etc. There you go below for some of this year’s Merdeka-themed clips or advertisements that I find interesting and meaningful from our local oil and gas company Petronas.

Happy 57th Birthday Malaysia!

57th Merdeka

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