Russian female motorcycle YouTube star with over 2million over followers has passed away after being involved in a road accident in a district in Turkey few days ago.. Tatyana Ozolina, 38, better known as MotoTanya, is a famous motocycle KOL in the motoring world. She’s also known as “the most beautiful motorcyclist” on the Internet.. RiP Tatyana, may your soul rest in peace.

Tatyana was riding with another rider, and was reported that the 2 bike colided and send her towards a on coming truck. She died at the scene. The other rider reportedly had minor injuries. 

Dubbed as Russia’s most famous and prettiest female biker Tatyana Ozolina, the 38-year-old female was commuting between Mugla and Bodrum when this accident occurred. Ozolina’s red BMW S1000RR 2015 spun out of control and crashed with a truck near Milas.  In addition, another native biker Onur Obut also encountered injuries.

But the third person survived unscathed. Moreover, Ozolina’s bike was also crashed by another biker from her group. As a result, she suddenly clutched the brake. However, she crashed into a truck. Thus, losing control and getting badly injured.

According to some reports, Ozolina was indeed alive for some time and had acquired a wound in the neck. But before ambulance could have reached, she lost her life.
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