Location: Sepang International Karting Circuit


Tears of heartache were mingled with tears of joy as the two very intense days of testing came to an end and the journey into 2015 begins for the selected rider during the second edition of the Shell Advance Asia Talent Cup, held at the Sepang International Karting Circuitselectedriders_ ATC Day2_10

List of riders to be selected for participation.

Selected riders

Gery Salim (INA)

Andi Farid Izdihar (INA)

McKinley Kyle Paz (PHI)

Lachlan Craig Taylor (AUS)

Masaki Kazuki (JPN)

Ai Ogura (JPN)

Ryusei Yamanaka (JPN)

Sittipon Srimoontree (THA)

Azroy Hakeem Bin Anuar (MAL)

Reserve riders

Bangga Dewantara Sunarya (INA)

Pengyuan Chen (CHN)

James Aldrin Mendez (PHI)

Tom Stewart William Edwards (AUS)

Kite Fuse (JPN)

Katsuto Sano (JPN)

Rei Toshima (JPN)

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