Day Three Test

DSC_0639 (Medium) DSC_0649 (Medium)Overall. A good test. With Zaqhwan getting familiar with the Suter MMX2 bike and posting good lap times. And also good working between Zaqhwan, Team JPMoto and KYB to better improve the bike handling. Today was a second faster than day two, and closer to the pole position time set in 2014 Moto2 Sepang by Esteve “Tito” RABAT, Spain, 2:07.429

Day Two Test

DSC_0288 (Medium)Good progress made on the second day of test, evident by the lap time improvement 2:10, minor crash, but Zaqhwan showing elbow down at turn two, just like the MotoGP riders, shows that Zaqhwan is at a fast track on getting use to the Moto2 bike.

Day One TestDSC_0377 (Medium)

DSC_0638 (Medium)DSC_0361Good start to the test session day one with the Honda power Suter MMX2 framed Moto2 get undergoing with Zaqhwan Zaidi getting familiar with the Moto2 bike and checking out the setting og the new bike. More work on the bike setting for the next three days on the right set up for the season opening in Qatar.

For those who wish to see the test LIVE. Do participate in JPMoto Racing membership program DSC_0636 (Medium)( and get an exclusive invite to their next test, next week (27-28 February). LIMITED invites only so be quick. You can even get Zaqhwan to sign your team shirt and hat and make it a collection! Please visit to see what’s in store. DSC_0637 (Medium)



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