The i-Moto i-RideClinic (iRC)

The i-Moto i-RideClinic (iRC) has many things to offer to all bikers from a beginner to a very intermediate rider, right through a veteran rider, as the reason for us is, there’s no such thing as too much training when it comes to motorcycle riding.12

We know that every biker has a bad habit that is probably caused by some deeply rooted fear. Maybe it was fear of the unknown – after all, we motorcyclists don’t often get the opportunity for guided riding sessions at the limit; the limit, that is, of our machines and our minds.

That experience helps populate the rider’s database with the do’s and don’ts which are then used to make the riding experience safer and more enjoyable. It’s actually rather embarrassing to think you know a thing or two or more about riding a motorcycle, only to find yourself flummoxed. But that’s what it’s all about, and the i-Moto i-RideClinic instructors provide plenty of feedback to help each student become a better and, hopefully, a safer rider.

RC Moto started the i-Moto i-RideClinic training courses after discovering the huge amount of riders of big bikes has the mind set of riding slow to be safe, but in the matter of fact is riding fast actually gets more control and alert to be much safer on the open roads. Just by coincidence, RC came out with this program during a ride with his riding buddies and there were new bikers joining the ride. There was a crash when a new biker who just got his MT-09 brought second hand from a friend who sold the MT because he say he couldn’t control the MT’s torque. Also many occasion RC seen newbie riders going wide in the corners. That’s why the i-Moto i-RideClinic conducts its ride clinic in the Sepang International Go-Kart Track, its safe and no on coming traffic. i-RideClinic teaches the rider to ride fast and to be in control for the open roads.3

Points in the clinic maybe becomes a no brainer when its pointed out.

The Basic i-Moto i-RideClinic cover 36 riding points which will be drilled down to an intermediate clinic which will give the participant a more detail to braking points, racing lines, overtaking lines and much more to Advance i-RideClinic in the future.

In the i-RideClinic we more focus on controlling the bike and our body in the first stage, then on the track riding, to be more safe on the open roads.

After all, while we were having loads of fun learning how to ride safely, we also teach how to scrape the knee slider in the process.4

I’d been riding for 25+ years in fast-track method on the open road, so I realize how you ride in the track do make it easy for new bikers or even experience bikers can utilise the 36 points that I give in the i-RideClinic.

The i-Moto i-RideClinic Agenda

The class time is focused on understanding the physics of riding and motorcycle dynamics. The knowledge gained is used as a foundation for the riding exercises, which build on each other and culminate in the tight Sepang International Kart Circuit (SiKC) at the end of the classroom session.

DSC_0679 (2) (Small)The basic i-RideClinic starts in the classroom with “The 36 Actionable Steps  to Confident, Consistent, Knee Scratching Track Riding “, and the day progresses with class and track time covering topics such as throttle control; throttle to brake transitions, lots of advice on the mental aspects of motorcycling (more important than you might think and an important factor for much of the rest of theDSC_0640 (Small) day); and suspension theory and practice and its relation to riding and body dynamics. The training continues with topics including body positioning; envisioning; throttle control; throttle and brake transitions and more. The range exercises starts with a demonstration by the instructor and narration by the assistant instructor, clearly illustrating the correct technique.

We started with throttle transitions, which taught us how to smoothly decelerate while using both the throttle and front brake at the same time. This is something that was anathema in the Experienced Rider Course, where the riders are instructed to keep four fingers on the throttle or brake, but not at the same time! The concept builds on the classroom discussion of motorcycle dynamics and how abrupt transitions can upset the balance of the bike and can be dangerous, especially in wet or unstable conditions.

The first i-RideClinic, we had just 6 students in the first class, on a variety of motorcycles, from Yamaha MT-09, Ninja 250 to a ZX10R, as we had only 1 week to prepare the i-RideClinic, never the less 4 of the DSC_0639 (Small)students who has never kneedown before got to kneedown for the first time and they say its addictive!

On the second i-RideClinic 4th October 2015 we have 20 riders signed up, as this time we had a three weeks for us to prepare the i-RideClinic course.

The up and coming i-RideClinic on the 8th of November will feature an additional intermediate i-RideClinic for returning student. This class will drilldown to racing lines, throttle and braking control.

The i-Moto i-RideClinic basic clinic will run in the 1st session followed by the intermediate session. The class will be divided into two groups between the instructors, which provided more than adequate time for individual detailed critiques after each run.

I’d prefer a concentrated 4-5 laps on each session to help develop the skills of the riders. The course also stresses knowledge of the physical aspects of the bike and this is reinforced with the exercises on the range. Smooth riding techniques help to keep the motorcycle settled, which allows better, smoother, safer and, ultimately, faster riding (on the track, of course!).DSC_0740 (Small)

The i-Moto i-RideClinic  is an excellent learning adventure, taught by highly skilled, knowledgeable (and patient!) instructors. You owe it to yourself to learn as much as possible about motorcycle riding, and the i-Moto i-RideClinic is the perfect next.

For more information, please call 0183560601.

DSC_0666 (Small) About the Instructors

RC Moto has been riding big cc bikes for over 25 years, raced in local races and reviews the latest bikes out in the market. He is the founder and editor of and i-Moto eMag (everything about two DSC_0646 (Small)wheels)

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