In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadhan and in the spirit of caring and giving, WILHIN MOTOR Sdn Bhd has recently feted forty six (46) children from RUMAH AMAL PERIBADI MULIA, No 2 Jalan Prima Saujana 1/4D, Prima Saujana, Kajang, Selangor at its breaking of fast event called “Wilhin Open House with Orphans”.DSC_0862 (Custom) DSC_0876 (Custom)

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Held at Wilhin Motor’s showroom at Balakong, the break fast was also attended by staff of Wilhin, 75 Bikers and staff of Kawasaki Motor Malaysia celebrating the joy of “berbuka puasa” with nasi briyani and many other local delicacies with the unfortunate children. In his welcoming speech, Wilhin Advisor, Dato’ Sukri said the “majlis berbuka puasa”, was one of Wilhin Motor’s way of showing that we care and we have not forgotten the less fortunate individuals, especially with the Hari Raya festivities season being just around the corner.DSC_0906 (Custom)

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We look forward to celebrate many more occasions with orphanages and share the company’s success with the less fortunate ones”, said Dato’ Sukri.

To make the majlis more memorable for the children, each staff of chaperoned two (2) children throughout the majlis. A bag of goodies and a box of dates together with “Duit Raya” were presented to the children by Mr Wilson Tan Managing Director of Wilhin Motor, together with Dato’ Sukri.DSC_0873 (Custom) DSC_0879 (Custom)

Bikers and staff also made personal contributions to the orphanage through a donation box that was passed around and more than RM 2,500 was collected that evening.  Wilhin Motor also contributed RM3,000 to the home.

Donations can be made direct to:

No 2 Jalan Prima Saujana 1/4D
Prima Saujana
Kajang, Selangor

Pengurus Pn Siti Salmiah (017 213 7313/013 2416313)
Maybank : 562414006411 (Peribadi Mulia)


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