Shell Malaysia supports and care for the nation’s frontliners during this fight against COVID-19 through a series of initiatives aimed to lessen the worries and challenges faced by our unsung heroes. Essential items such as hand sanitizers, mineral water, food and beverages were among the items contributed to medical frontlines at Hospital Sungai Buloh, Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun in Ipoh

Additionally, through our Shell stations located across the country, we have contributed essential items to local communities and frontliners. Part of the initiatives include supplying electricity for lamps and fans to temporary tents as well as contributing foods and drinks to local authorities.

Shairan Huzani Husain, Managing Director of Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd and Shell Timur Sdn Bhd said “We recognize the challenges faced by these brave Malaysians and we hope these care packages, made up of essential items will give our frontliners some needed support

Shairan Huzani Husain, Managing Director of Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd and Shell Timur Sdn Bhd said, “The act of caring for others, and looking out for each other is essential for all of us as Malaysians to survive, and thrive through these uncertain and certainly testing time. Shell is committed to the well-being of the communities where we operate, and we want to do everything we can to help our frontliners in the fight against this global pandemic. We recognize the challenges faced by these brave Malaysians and we hope these care packages, made up of essential items will give our frontliners some needed support”. 

Shairan adds, “We also have our very own Shell frontliners who are on the ground, every single day, taking care of our customers’ needs, and ensuring the nation’s heroes can get to work and do what they need to for the safety of every Malaysian. As one of Malaysia’s essential service, we are helping to fuel the nation through the dedication of these very frontliners. We are also ensuring care packages are provided to them as our gesture of thanks for their courage in ensuring Shell stations remain open and ready to continue serving customers. They are all our heroes.

Food and beverages delivered to Hospital Sungai Buloh.

Other than the care packages, Shell and BonusLink have joined forces to launch an initiative to enable our customers to contribute and show their gratitude to the nation’s frontliners. From 2nd to 7th April 2020, BonusLink members can show their support to the frontliners by simply contributing a minimum of 100 points, which is equivalent to RM1, which will be channeled directly to the COVID-19 Fund by Ministry of Health Malaysia’s (MOH). Shell has pledged to match RM1 for every 100 points (RM1) donated during the period. Donations can be made at or via the BonusLink app from Google Play and Appstore. All donations to Tabung COVID-19 will be used to assist MOH to purchase medical equipment, PPEs and other medical necessities.

Shell’s team with the enforcement officers on duty.

Shell urges all Malaysians to stay safe by staying at home during the Movement Control Order (MCO), and by practicing meticulous personal hygiene as advocated by MOH. Together, we can flatten the curve of COVID-19. For more information on Shell’s initiatives, please visit

Site heroes gearing up for the Care Packages delivery.

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